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A Flourishing France
A Flourishing France

France entered a prosperous period under the reign of Louis Napoleon Bonaparte. The Emperor introduced an ambitious economic policy that allowed France to become one of the greatest powers in Europe. Means of communication, urbanisation, science and technology were at their peak: this was the industrial revolution.
New railways were built all over the country. Major works were undertaken, mirroring Baron Haussman's transformation of the capital city with its wide boulevards, stations and public monuments.
Technology was also booming and widely distributed thanks to the Universal Exhibitions: the harvester, the plough, photography, the steamboat, the sewing machine, the saxophone and the bicycle...

Lukkow (19e siècle)
Barenne Charles (2nd half 19th century)
Compiègne, musée de la voiture
Exposition universelle de Paris, 1855, Palais de l'Industrie, vue de la nef
Exposition universelle de Paris, 1855, Palais de l'Industrie, vue de la nef
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Boulevard Haussmann, effet de neige
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