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Tintoretto (1518-1594)
Tintoretto (1518-1594)
A painter of the Venetian Renaissance, Jacopo Robusti was born in Venice in April 1518 to a dyer father, which gave rise to the nickname "Tintoretto", little dyer in Italian. 
A pupil of Titian, he was known for his mastery of colours and shadows and his passion for light effects. He was a great admirer of Michelangelo, studied the mannerist movements and explored religious, mythological and historic themes. The impressive size of his canvases and the use of chiaroscuro lent his compositions dramatic dimension and influenced his contemporaries. 

The exhibition "Tintoretto, Birth of a Genius" at the musée du Luxembourg from 7 March to 1 July 2018 explores the beginnings and construction of the artist’s talent through the works of his first fifteen years of creation. 
Le Tintoret (dit), Robusti Jacopo (1518-1594)
Paris, musée du Louvre
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