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Jean-Honoré Fragonard (1732-1806)
Jean-Honoré Fragonard (1732-1806)

Fragonard trained alongside several painters including some of the most highly renowned artists of his day: Chardin, Van Loo and especially Boucher.
A master of the brush, he painted mythological and genre scenes. In his paintings, he demonstrated free, rapid brushwork, depicting ordinary people engaged in everyday activities. 
His favourite subjects however were people relaxing and playing games against the backdrop of charming landscapes. His paintings of a swing evoke a frivolous, carefree joie de vivre. As one of the perceived leaders of the Rococo movement and the frivolous, Fragonard’s style evolved into representations of amorous encounters with a more or less sensual touch, erotic scenes, leaving the meaning open to interpretation. 
The upcoming exhibition at the Musée du Luxembourg (16 September 2015 - 24 January 2016) will bring together paintings, drawings and illustrated works by Fragonard.

Fragonard Jean-Honoré (1732-1806)
Paris, musée du Louvre, D.A.G.
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