View image onlyAutre (Audiovisuel, informatique, ...) Triplecorder Model ATR-102Answer Manufactory Tokyo, Japon (20th century)manufactory, System identifier09-535035Inventory numberAM2009-1-8CollectionDesignNote de l'image4N41122Date1960Period20th centurycontemporary period from 1914 until todayProduction siteJapanDimensionsHeight: 0.013 mLength: 0.019 mDepth: 0.24 mDiameter: 0.2 mMode d'entréeDon de Patrick Chaland, 2009LocalizationParis, Centre Pompidou - Musée national d'art moderne - Centre de création industrielleCredit(C) Centre Pompidou, MNAM-CCI, Dist. GrandPalaisRmn / Georges MeguerditchianKeywordscommunication medium, computer science, design (à partir de 1850), gramophone, radioSize6666 X 4992 pixelsPermalink la Collection du MNAM-CCI / Centre PompidouAdd to lightbox: 'My First Sélection'Add to cartPrintRelated Images:View All