View image onlyPortrait de Mademoiselle Hélène HertelDegas Edgar (1834-1917)painter, engraver, sculptor, photographer, System identifier13-544212Inventory numberRF5604-rectoCollectionDrawingsPeriod19th century20th centurycontemporary period from 1789 until 1914Technic/Materialbeige paper, blackleadDimensionsHeight: 0.275 mLength: 0.192 mMode d'entréeLegs de Lucien Marcel Bing, 1922LocalizationParis, musée d'Orsay, conservé au musée du LouvreCredit(C) GrandPalaisRmn (musée d'Orsay) / Tony QuerrecKeywordscontemporary costume, earring, hairnet, portrait de jeune femme, supported (on something), three-quarter left view, to the waistSize4222 X 5903 pixelsPermalink to lightbox: 'My First Sélection'Add to cartPrint