View image onlyPutti jouant autour d'une ancre Beccafumi Domenico (ca. 1486-1551)italian painter, sculptor, System identifier09-507933Inventory numberINV280-versoCollectionDrawingsPeriod15th century16th centurypériode moderne - RenaissanceTechnic/Materialblack chalkDimensionsHeight: 0.107 mLength: 0.122 mMode d'entrée1671, cabinet du Roi, Everhard JabachLocalizationParis, musée du Louvre, D.A.G.Credit(C) GrandPalaisRmn (musée du Louvre) / Thierry Le MageKeywordsanchor, putto, study of a nudeSize5464 X 4552 pixelsPermalink to lightbox: 'My First Sélection'Add to cartPrint