View image onlyMagiciens de la terre. - Exposition au Centre Pompidou, Grande galerie, La Grande Halle de la Villette (18 mai 1989 - 28 août 1989). System identifier18-541576Inventory numberEX320CollectionMuseologyDescription:Fonds MuséologiePhotographes : Jacques Faujour, Adam Rzepka, Igniatiadis Konstantinos, Béatrice Hatala.Commissaires d'exposition : Luque Aline (1949-), Martin Jean-Hubert (1944-), Magnin André (1952-), Francis Mark (1962-)Date1989Period20th centurycontemporary period from 1914 until todayTechnic/Materialphotography (technique)LocalizationParis, Centre Pompidou-MNAM/CCI-Bibliothèque Kandinsky CreditUn justificatif supplémentaire est à envoyer à la Bibliothèque Kandinsky, Centre Pompidou, 75191 Paris cedex 04.(C) Centre Pompidou, MNAM-CCI Bibliothèque Kandinsky, Dist. GrandPalaisRmn / Béatrice Hatala / Konstantinos IgnatiadisAuthor rights:(C) ADAGP, PAris(C) Warlukurlangu artists of Yuendumu(C) Warlukurlangu artists of Yuendumu(C) Warlukurlangu artists of Yuendumu(C) Warlukurlangu artists of Yuendumu(C) Warlukurlangu artists of Yuendumu(C) Warlukurlangu artists of Yuendumu(C) Warlukurlangu artists of YuendumuKeywordsexhibition, Kelly Francis Jupurrurla (20th century), Long Richard (born in 1945), museology, Nelson Franck Browson Jakamarra (born in 1948), Nelson Paddy Jupurrurla (1920-1999), photo-reportage, Poulson Neville Japangardi (born in 1947), Sims Paddy Japaljarri (1917-2010), Stewart Paddy Japaljarri (1935-2013), Walker Towser Jakamarra (born in 1925)Size5924 X 4000 pixelsPermalink to lightbox: 'My First Sélection'Add to cartPrintRelated Images:View All