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Guillaume Eugène Jean-Baptiste-Claude (1822-1905)
Rueil-Malmaison, châteaux de Malmaison et Bois-Préau
Napoléon III's Study and Empress Eugénie's Lacquerware Room
Napoléon III's Study and Empress Eugénie's Lacquerware Room
Napoléon III's Study and Empress Eugénie's Lacquerware Room
Napoléon III's Study and Empress Eugénie's Lacquerware Room
30 images
Prince Jérôme Napoléon's Pompeian style house
Prince Jérôme Napoléon's Pompeian style house
Napoléon III Residences
Napoléon III Residences
Napoleon as depicted in portraits: the making of a legend
Napoleon as depicted in portraits: the making of a legend
Napoleon and the women
Napoleon and the women
Napoleon's Homes
Napoleon's Homes
Napoleon Bonaparte and Marie-Louise of Austria
Napoleon Bonaparte and Marie-Louise of Austria
"An Imperial Childhood" the 200th anniversary of the King of Rome
"An Imperial Childhood" the 200th anniversary of the King of Rome
Napoleon and Marie-Louise's wedding
Napoleon and Marie-Louise's wedding
Fontainebleau: Museum and Château
Fontainebleau: Museum and Château
Les Empereurs du Saint Empire Romain Germanique
Les Empereurs du Saint Empire Romain Germanique
Guéret Museum of Art and Archaeology
Guéret Museum of Art and Archaeology
Louis Antoine de Bougainville (1729-1811)
Louis Antoine de Bougainville (1729-1811)
of 197
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